1) An Internet customer in Austria has two price options while online-reservation. The customer gets a considerable diminution of the price if he/she indicates that his/her location is Egypt instead of Austria. A live booking of Mrs Ursula L on April 5, 2008 yielded a disparity in price of €123 of at the booking a flight of Vienna to Cairo and further to Asswan; Egyptair lost in fact €123,-- from a single booking activity.
Suggested solutions: The IP-address of the buyer must be indicated and the country of origin is therefore to be defined.
2) Purchase Conditions: Those appear on-line at the time being very strange and not readable according to layout, stylistic and typing mistakes. A copy has been already saved and sent to the Management.
Nobody can understand this contents and we know now that the on-line user is very critical; i am sure that the income of sale will be extremely higher when such things disappear. Suggested solution: Purchase Conditions to be corrected, completed, reviewed and republished immediately.
3) By defining of the trip date user does not have the option to let the system be flexible (-/+ 1-3 days.).
4) The “back button” does not function during the reservation process (not the back function of the browser).
5) User dose not have the option to change or modify the flights. “Modify search option” during the process is highly recommended.
6) No customer feedback required by the system after closing the reservation process.
7) Data collection of the already booked tickets highly recommended to use in further activities, for example “Customer Loyalty Program” and NL etc.
8) Option to receive on-line NL; important for Customer Loyalty Program etc.